Personal giving demonstrates a board member’s commitment to the mission and sets an example for other donors. It’s difficult to ask others to give if those closest to the mission aren’t contributing themselves.
Board giving refers to each member making a personal financial contribution. Board fundraising involves board members supporting efforts to secure funds, whether through donor engagement, events, or other activities.
Start by understanding their concerns. If they’re unwilling to give or engage, it’s a sign they may not be aligned with the mission, and a conversation led by the governance committee is necessary.
Provide training during annual retreats or board meetings. Role-playing exercises, thank-you call scripts, and clear guidance can help build their confidence.
Board members can thank donors, host events, open doors to new networks, and share their passion for the mission in authentic ways.
Key metrics include donor retention rates, average gift size, and board giving progress toward collective goals. These provide insights into the effectiveness of their efforts.
Move away from report-driven agendas. Dedicate time to strategic discussions, training sessions, and brainstorming. Reserve updates and reports for written summaries sent before the meeting.
Focus on achieving 100% board giving, regardless of the amount. This creates a unified commitment and builds momentum for broader engagement.